Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh the places we go...

Through many emails, many meetings and confusing schedule changes everything eventually became resolved! It all worked out in the end and it was an amazing experience meeting some of the beautiful women here at Dayton. I had the privilege of meeting Racqueal who is part of the financial aid office. We exchanged stories of our lives and family. I truly enjoyed her company and was in shock that when she presented me the scarf it included a gift! It was a delicious smelling candle (which I am breaking the rules in my dorm to burn!) and a poem written by Racqueal which I must include. It is beautiful and has an amazing message.

Let your light shine!
In the mist of the hustle and bustle
Let you light shine
For there may be others who
Need just a moment in time
A time to reflect that hope still exist
A time to reflect about the sacredness of being a women
Oh, yes we are a rare and special breed
A gift given by God that only us women can see
Slow down to know who you are, where you are, and where you are going
And know that in this very moment you are where God wants you to be
So, let you light shine and show the world who you want to be!

The first thing I noticed about the scarf was the scent. It became apparent that we all have our own body washes and perfumes that combine to a distinct smell which the scarf has. It shows the journey it has been on. It reminded me of someone that never washes their car to show that they are well traveled and give character to their car. Even though it may not be our preferred choice of scent, it is an interesting aspect of the scarf. I think, and someone correct me if I am wrong, but I am fairly certain that I had the youngest person in the sisterhood wear the scarf. After my 6 hour day of classes, I went to babysit for a family in Oakwood. I wore the scarf with a brown long sleeve shirt, a tan sweater and big metal aqua earrings (to bring an accent of color!). I babysit a 13 month old, who is not yet walking, and she loves to be held and loves to climb all over anyone who will give her attention. Her name is Hannah, and when I first picked her up, normally she would play with my hair. The time I was wearing the scarf though she became obsessed with the tassels, texture and how big it is. At first I held onto the scarf even when she tried to pull it off me, but that got tiring so I let her play with the scarf. She wrapped it around her head and began to laugh so hard. I thought she was going to stop breathing she was laughing so hard! It was a beautiful moment.

I then handed the scarf off to one of UD's famous and fabulous campus ministers, Lauren. This was our second meeting. We met a few weeks earlier because of the mix up in the schedule. During our first meeting, we met for coffee and ended up talking for about an hour. We realized we had a lot in common. Such as our experience working with the criminal system. I am a tutor at the Montgomery County Jail and she worked with the criminal system after receiving her undergraduate degree. I love making instant connections like that. We knew what the experience was like and did not even have to exchange words to describe our experiences. After our coffee date we were both headed for the 10am service for Ash Wednesday, and that led us to us bringing up the gifts together. But the best part was we became famous on Dayton local news! If you want to see the clip, it is earlier in some of the blogs. Overall, it was a wonderful exchange of the scarf and a way to see the community come together full circle. Oh the places we go....with the Sisterhood's Scarf.

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